Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Guarding it from Peter Rabbit

Our very suburban neighborhood is absolutely over-run with sweet little bunnies.  I remember thinking how charming it was when we first moved in.  The children are nearly able to get close enough to our own backyard rabbit to pat him before he lippity-lippitys off through the fence.  But I've found that Peter Rabbit is a lot less charming when he's eating your tomatoes--especially when said Peter is discerning enough to wait until they are ripe to take two delicate bites from every single fruit on the vine. 
I beat him to the punch and have started ripening our tomatoes in the window.

Take that, Peter Rabbit.


anellesgardening said...

I've been told before that as soon as your tomatoes start to change color to go ahead and pick them. I've never had a problem doing that, so get them early before the rabbits do!

Joy said...

My grandmother has the same problem. Bunnies & deer. They leave no plant unturned. She eventually had to get a 5 ft chicken wire fence around her garden. :)

Courtney at SL's No Ennui said...

Neat photo!

I felt the same way about squirrels... and had fond memories of cute Chip and Dale... and then I started noticing my flowers weren't growing... and then I started noticing the squirrel-paw-sized holes where all the seeds had been. Jerks.

Anonymous said...

Way too funny! Let the dog out there and stand guard!

paula said...

I have been having the hardest time knowing when my tomatoes are ready:(

Lacey (schoolhousefarm) said...

time for a cat! we had a bunny when we first moved in, but our hunter cat has taken the problem away. now if she would just take care of that bermuda grass...