Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day...

...I have to ship to Austrialia.  International shipping makes me cry.  A lot.  Mostly because I think that by heeding the advice of my friendly postal employee (whom, I might add, includes the word "beer" in almost every interchange we have...)on my customs declaration, I might end up in the pokey.  I have tons and tons of fun stuff in store for you, but I need another day to get it together.  Hope everyone's holiday was de-vine and I'll see you tomorrow!
image found on photobucket

P.S.-- my husband says I should delete this post-- of course I don't cheat on my customs declarations, silly.  I have a feeling the pokey is not nearly as nice as my house.


anellesgardening said...

I did a lot of customs forms when JP was in Korea. You will get used to them with time.

Erin {House of Turquoise} said...

Ugh I hate customs forms. I used to live in Germany, and sending stuff back and forth is such a pain!

You gotta check these bad boys out!

paula said...

you are too funny. customs definitely does not sound like fun.