Tuesday, July 27, 2010

If you can't beat 'em...

...throw 'em in the shower!

Sometimes you just have one of those days where the only way you know that everyone will be safe, sane and with all their limbs still attached when Daddy walks in the door is to contain the children in your own version of a padded room.

Of course, my padded room has a really snazzy shower curtain. 
Just keepin' it real, ya'll.


anellesgardening said...

Heh...I should have gotten pictures of their earlier "shower" so you could have a full round of views for the day. :P

Lacey (schoolhousefarm) said...

oh my. yes, very familiar with this feeling.

Joy said...

Very cute!

Courtney at SL's No Ennui said...

They look like they rather LIKE their padded room. It MUST be the snazzy curtain :)

The Crooked Sticks said...

Totally done that!