Monday, July 6, 2009

Of Avecados and Liederhosen...

Confession #11 from the Honest Swap/Scrap (that I really do need to tag some people for. Any volunteers?): I totally cannot spell. I've actually cultivated really awful handwriting to disguise this fact. I'm pretty sure none of the words in the title are spelled correctly, but you get the drift, right? So, without further ado, introducing:
A Boy and his Solids
Do not be deceived by the empty bowl, or by his big grin. He's really not a fan. At this age, his big brother was eating CUPS of mush every day. This was about 1 teaspoon of mashed avecado mixed with water, and I think about an 1/8 of a tsp. was swallowed. We tried some sweet potatoes a little later on-- still no dice.
This is what happened when we tried a whole tablespoon of food. Avecado boogers.
Grady was SUCH a demanding nurser-- like 20 times in 24 hours was not at all unusual. John Harper's much more laid back about it-- he probably only nurses 6 times a day, for 5 minutes at a time, and he's a wonderful sleeper. The only real reason I had for trying to make the G eat real food was to give my poor bosom a break, so I'm not all that fussed about this one not liking his food. I can take 6 times a day for five minutes at a time for a long, long time.
Noticed those little bumps on his fat armies, did ya? We've got chicken pox here, of all things. I toe the line of crunchy/non-crunchy mama, but that vaccine is actually one we don't give. But the big boy who I WANT to get it-- nothing. The baby who will most likely not get antibodies from this very mild case but still means that we are basically confined to the house for the next two weeks-- yup. I think he caught it from a cart at the co-op, or as my son affectionately calls it, the Hippie Grocery. Which is usually followed by "that place where you peed on the floor." And he did. All over the local organic veggies.
So here is a non-poxy but very proud of himself boy. My dad gifted him with these insane liederhosen when he was just a baby-- it's quite an interesting ensemble. He thinks that this is what cowboys wear, and accessorizes with a black cowboy hat. It's like Johnny Cash meets the Sound of Music around here.


Joy said...

Wow, that's quite the outfit Grady has on. ;) He's cracking me up! I wouldn't worry about JH's lack of a taste for food at this point, especially since he nurses and sleeps so well. He might be one of those that goes straight to tastes off of your plate. I just love that avocado grin though. :)

littlegirlpearl said...

Avocado is definitely a great first food. My own child loved it, and I loved that it didn't come out of a jar!

The lederhosen are too funny!! I love that he thinks he's a cowboy...

Anonymous said...

I tried starting with avocado too, but Olivia hated it, and I mean hated it! She loved my homemade sweet peas and carrots though. Too cute!

anellesgardening said...

Haha, I love the food pictures! Kieran has been eating for 2 weeks and still not getting much down. Sometimes he gives me the most godawful looks I've ever seen. Poor kids.

Grady is such a character. He's too cute to have around.

brown robin said...

Holy cow! I don't know what to comment on... the pox or the cuteness!

Anonymous said...

Beer in the sippy cup?